
Amazing Encounters & Locations

Created by CZRPG

A 5e supplement that brings you 12 fantastic locations ready to drop into your world, each with detailed encounters and gorgeous maps!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

March Update
8 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 02:43:49 PM

Hi folks, hopefully you had a great February!

Here's where we stand:

Content Delivery: Digital maps and PDF from previous projects were delivered via BackerKit Digital Library earlier in February. As some people are joining BackerKit late, please us know via [email protected] in case you haven't received your content yet. There are about 40 people which joined and we'll work with Backerkit to sort this out.

PDF: proofreading is done and fixes are ongoing. In a few days, we should have the first draft to send to you (target date, this Friday), which will potentially become the final PDF. We'll give you a week to check the PDF out and provide feedback. The draft PDF will be delivered via BackerKit Library. 

Physical Book: once the feedback period is over, assuming there isn't a huge list of changes, we'll be ready to start the Print-on-Demand process with DrivethruRPG. The whole process should take roughly a month between the start and receiving the first proofs. We'll make an effort to ensure there's no issue with the cover like in Amazing Encounters & Quests, in which we faced some delays because of the title being mispositioned. Note that the issue was with the cut applied by Lightning Source, the printer used by DTRPG.

STLs: Three out of four STLs are ready, check the previews below. We'll share the printed and painted minis after April for showcase purposes.

  • The Ebony Elder from The Shining Ring
  • The Tinspring from Rockfort
  • A Troubled Spirit from The Troubled Vale 

Art: we're at the 15 pieces mark, and only one more piece is missing. Find below the most recent ones.

New Location over Patreon

We recently released The Emberwoods, which is located in the Fey Plane. The location works similar to the ones presented in Amazing Encounters & Locations.

Join our Patreon

- Christian Zeuch

Join our Mailing List and get 105 urban map versions, as well as monthly, free exclusive maps, encounters, and creatures! In the first part of 2024, you get the opportunity to grab a dungeon room per week as part of #dungeon23 :)

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram

February 2024 Update - Follow-Up
9 months ago – Sat, Feb 03, 2024 at 05:06:55 AM

Hello again, 

Sorry for a 2nd update so soon, but something was missed in the previous one.

We just locked the orders and charged the cards of those who added extra content in BackerKit platform. 

In your credit card log, the name "Inclusive RPG Collab" will appear which is the name of the US partner we worked with.

In the next few days, we will be able to send the following content via BackerKit Digital Library:

  • Amazing Encounters & Places, both the PDF and the Print-on-Demand discount code (which includes only the print costs and nothing else)
  • Amazing Encounters & Quests, both the PDF and the Print-on-Demand discount code (which includes only the print costs and nothing else)
  • Amazing Encounters & Places: The Hunt
  • Digital Maps for Amazing Encounters & Places
  • Digital Maps for Amazing Encounters & Quests
  • Digital Maps for Amazing Encounters & Locations
  • Additional Premium Maps
  • STLs for Amazing Encounters & Quests

If you have any question, you can email us at [email protected].

- CZ

February 2024 Update
9 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 04:16:19 PM

Hello folks!

Here's some news on the project on Amazing Encounters & Locations:

Layout: we've reviewed 2 versions of the PDF already, and we'll go through a formal proofreading pass. Once this is done, and all the artwork is delivered, we'll send the PDF to you so you can review it within a week. 

Print: after this week in which you'll have the opportunity to review the PDF, we'll start with the quick process of preparing the files and then submitting them to DTRPG. That part takes a bit longer because it depends on DTRPG processing the files, then Lightning Source needs to print the books, send them to us so we can make sure they look fine. 

Art: We already got 10 brand new custom pieces, and we still need at least 7 more which are being commissioned. Take a look at the new pieces below.

STL: We got one ready, the second is in the works, then 2 more to go! How cute is this one??

Art Previews

These pieces are from Mike Zairos (top) and Marvin Blattert (bottom). More to come!

These ones are from Marvin too:

- Christian Zeuch

Join our Mailing List and get 101 urban map versions, as well as monthly, free exclusive maps, encounters, and creatures! In the first part of 2024, you get the opportunity to grab a dungeon room per week as part of #dungeon23 :)

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram

Happy 2024! January Update
10 months ago – Sat, Jan 06, 2024 at 05:36:44 AM

Hello!!! Hopefully your Year-End celebrations were great and that you're now recharged and ready for this new year.

Here come some updates for you in regards to Amazing Encounters & Locations.

Layout: it's currently about 40% done and a first draft will be available within January.

Print: we'll give you a week to check the draft and if all is right, we'll proceed to print layout, which should take a couple of week tops. Print-on-Demand is a slightly slow process, as once we have the files, we need to submit them to DTRPG, then they new 3 to 5 days to process them. Once this is done, we can order the proof, which takes roughly 3 weeks to arrive. Speaking of which, Amazing Encounters & Quests proofs are taking a little bit more time to arrive but like mentioned, we don't anticipate any changes on that one so the codes should be ready this month, hopefully. 

As a reminder, Print-on-Demand from DrivethruRPG works with a discount code at cost, meaning that you'll receive a code to print your book and you'll pay ONLY for the print and shipping costs. 

STLs: we selected the below creatures to commission as STLs:

  • Tinspring, the Small (1x1) construct from Rockfort
  • Ebony Elder, the Huge (3x3) treeant from Shining Ring
  • Troubled Spirt, the Medium (1x1) ghost from Troubled Vale
  • Dark Vessel, the Medium (1x1) undead from Skull Fort

Digital Maps: these are ready and will be delivered end of January/early February, once the survey (see below) are out and filled.

Art: we have 4 pieces that are done, and a 5th in progress. We'll also have more pieces being commissioned since we want this to be yet another gorgeous book! Below are the 5 pieces that are ready, and we'll have at least 5 more.

Next Steps

The Smoke Test survey from BackerKit will be sent out in the coming days. If all works well, as it should, the main survey will be sent out next week. It's going to be a simple survey as the shipping will be done by DrivethruRPG. 

- Christian Zeuch

Join our Mailing List and get 101 urban map versions, as well as monthly, free exclusive maps, encounters, and creatures! In the first part of 2024, you get the opportunity to grab a dungeon room per week as part of #dungeon23 :)

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram

Last 17h!
10 months ago – Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 03:06:18 AM


We're almost over with this campaign and thank you so much for your support thus far!

If you have any friends which whom you could share the project in the final hours, that would be super cool :)

  • Editing is done, layout will be starting next week as we identified that some maps lack digital files with labels and we decided to label them on the files to meet both the digital file need and also so we don't need to label anything during layout
  • We have 3 semi-final of location art pieces for now (see below) and more to come
  • STLs will be commissioned once the campaign money is in

The Troubled Vale

The Red Woods


Year-End Deal

CZRPG has partnered with other publishers in the Fantastic Adventures Bundle! This bundle nets you 10 adventures and supplements at a nice discount price :)

  • Murder in the Shielding Peaks: Make a trek over a glacier in the middle of a blizzard to prove your innocence in this adventure for fifth edition!
  • Deities & Domains: The Watcher Pantheon: unique pantheon ready to drop into any new or established campaign, fully fleshed out with 40 new domains, including info on clergy, temples, taboos, and philosophies.
  • Accessible Adventure: Shrine of the Soil Serpent: Lizardfolk are kidnapping people to summon an ancient serpent god. Can you explore the haunted ruins and stop the cultists from acquiring the staff? Do you have what it takes to save the village?
  • Dreams of Dissension: The people of the hill have brought Cinderstorm’s wrath upon them. If you want to save them, you must seek the Mistwatcher in the depths of the snowy woodlands.
  • Infernal Tranquility - Adventure for 5E: A dangerous cult begins to transform a peaceful town into a chaotic haven for madness. Will you stop their machinations or will infernal spirits destroy everything you hold dear? In this adventure players will guide their PCs in the defense of Tradesman’s Root, a small settlement wedged in between a large plateau and a dark forest. Nature, dark forces, and political intrigue all conspire against the PCs to bring the downfall of the once proud townsfolk.
  • A Simple Raid - One-page Adventure for 5e: A one page siege of a small town in which the Party must make choices and play a pivotal role in the survival of the townspeople.  Intended to be dropped into any setting, best suited for low-level parties. 
  • (CZRPG) The Shining Ring: A drop-in location to enrich your setting, with ready-to-play content, including encounters that tie in an adventure, new creatures, and maps
  • Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (5E): A dragon-ruled city on a spire of rock looms over the surrounding area, and can be dropped into a setting.
  • The Stolen Heirloom: Coerced into a mission to retrieve a stolen heirloom, a sacred goblin mask, you’ll navigate a numbered-paragraph adventure with a twist: a D6 oracle controlling battles. Will they charge or retreat? Let the dice decide. The 5e rules come alive, and plot hooks lead to further solo quests. Prepare for randomness and unique world-building!
  • Wranglers of Westhallow - Beginnings collection: Wranglers of Westhallow is a lightly humored Wild/Weird West-themed adventure series and setting designed for the 5th Edition (OGL) rule-set. It is jam packed full of pop culture references, parody, thematic and often hilarious situations, and super interesting and colorful characters that will stick with you for life.

Get the Bundle at 75% OFF

- Christian Zeuch

Join our Mailing List and get 101 urban map versions, as well as monthly, free exclusive maps, encounters, and creatures! In 2023, you get the opportunity to grab a dungeon room per week as part of #dungeon23 :)

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